What To Do When You Aren’t Happy With Your Support Coordinator?

If you have concerns about your Support Coordinator, you can speak with the organisation directly and ask to complete the organisation’s feedback and complaints form. All registered providers should have feedback and complaint forms as they are requirements for their registration with the NDIS.


You should be allowed to discuss your concerns without fear of any further retribution (such as having your services cancelled).


If you are still unhappy with the result, you can speak with an advocate or contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission using the details below.


Disability Advocacy

E: intake@da.org.au

P: 1300 365 085


Regional Disability Advocacy Servce

P: 1800 250 292

W: www.rdas.org.au


NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission

P: 1800 035 544

W: www.ndiscommission.gov.au

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