Feedback and Complaints Form

At Empowered Community Services, we deeply value your feedback as it helps us improve and deliver the best possible service. Whether you have a suggestion, a concern, or simply want to share your experience, your voice is crucial to us. This platform allows you to provide your feedback anonymously if you prefer, ensuring your privacy and comfort. Please take a moment to share your thoughts—your feedback can make a significant impact.


How We Use Your Feedback Service Improvement

We analyse all feedback to identify common themes and areas for improvement. This helps us make informed decisions about changes and enhancements to our services.


  • Training and Development: Feedback is used to inform our staff training programs, ensuring our team is equipped with the skills and knowledge to provide the best possible support.
  • Policy Updates: Your insights can lead to updates in our policies and procedures, ensuring they reflect the needs and preferences of our community.
  • Recognition: Positive feedback is shared with our team to acknowledge and celebrate their hard work and dedication.

Join Us in Shaping the Future


By taking a few moments to share your feedback, you play a vital role in shaping the future of Empowered Community Services. Together, we can create a supportive and responsive environment that meets the needs of all our clients.


Thank you for your valuable input and for helping us make a positive difference. To help you find additional resources and support, here are some helpful links:


  • For more information on NDIS policies and updates, visit the NDIS Commission.
  • Learn more about the role of the Ombudsman and how they can assist you at the NSW Ombudsman.

Discover more about disability advocacy and support services at Disability Advocacy Network Australia.



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