Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest is when a service provider has a duty to promote or act in the best interests of the participant, but they also have another interest that could interfere with that duty. For example, the provider may have a financial interest in the NDIS participant using other services that the organisation they work for provides, rather than services from another provider.


When working with a service provider with multiple service offerings, including Support Coordination, conflicts of interest can often arise. It is important to be aware of any potential conflicts of interest to make informed decisions about your care and support needs.


If you have any concerns about a potential conflict of interest, here are some questions you can refer to;


  • Do I feel like my Support Coordinator is trying to sell me something?
  • Am I being pressured into using a particular service or provider?
  • Do I feel like my Support Coordinator is more interested in promoting their services than finding the best support for me?
  • Have I been presented with various services that I am looking to access as a part of my NDIS support? For example, multiple options for community access.
  • Has my Support Coordinator explained the potential conflict of interest, and are they upfront about it?


If you have any concerns about a potential conflict of interest, please speak to your Support Coordinator or another member of their organisation. In some cases, it may be best to speak with a disability advocate.

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