What Does Good Support Coordination Look Like?

Good Support Coordination involves building skills so participants can exercise greater choice and control over the planning and implementation of their support.   This includes;     Your Support Coordinator is there to help you make choices about your disability support and plan for your future.

Information For Your Support Coordinator

Your Support Coordinator will need some important information from you to best support you on your NDIS journey!   Be sure to bring the following items to your initial meeting with your Support Coordinator:     Your Support Coordinator will use this information to develop your support plan with you. They will work with you […]

What Does A Good Relationship With Your Support Coordinator Look Like?

A good relationship with your Support Coordinator is built on trust. You should feel comfortable discussing your goals and needs with them. They should understand your situation and be able to provide you with the information and resources you need to make informed decisions about your support.   Your Support Coordinator should:     You […]

Cancellation Policy & Transitioning

Your Support Coordinator should have a cancellation policy that is clear and concise. The policy should outline the notice period required for service cancellations and any fees or charges. It is important to know this information so that you can plan ahead if you need to change providers.   Always take a look at your […]

Plan Nominee

You may have someone acting on your behalf; this is called a plan nominee.   In some instances, where you cannot speak on your own behalf it can be difficult to have things actioned without a plan nominee in place.   If you have a plan nominee, they can help you with things like talking […]

What To Do When You Aren’t Happy With Your Support Coordinator?

If you have concerns about your Support Coordinator, you can speak with the organisation directly and ask to complete the organisation’s feedback and complaints form. All registered providers should have feedback and complaint forms as they are requirements for their registration with the NDIS.   You should be allowed to discuss your concerns without fear […]

Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest is when a service provider has a duty to promote or act in the best interests of the participant, but they also have another interest that could interfere with that duty. For example, the provider may have a financial interest in the NDIS participant using other services that the organisation they […]

Contingency Planning (What if your Support Coordinator is on leave)

Contingency Planning

If your Support Coordinator takes leave (expected or unexpected), the organisation should have a process to support you.   Below are some questions you can ask your Support Coordinator or their organisation about what will happen if they are not available;   It is important that you feel comfortable and confident communicating with your Support […]

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